Creston Valley American Bullfrog Management Plan
British Columbia’s only extant Northern Leopard Frog population occurs in the Creston Valley. Non-native American Bullfrogs are invading the valley and threaten the Northern Leopard Frog population. In this plan we outline conservation objectives, strategies, and management actions to mitigate the threat of bullfrogs to the Northern Leopard Frog population. We also developed a risk analysis tool to prioritize allocation of management resources. This project was completed in 2022 for the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operation, and Rural Development.
Population Genetics of Fisher (Pekania pennanti) in British Columbia
The British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy collected a large fisher genetic data-set over a 20 year period. We analyzed the data and prepared a manuscript which is now in review. Check back and we will share the paper when it is published!
Little Spokane River Natural Area Wildlife Study.
Wildlife and other natural resources are the management priority for the Little Spokane River Natural Area which is experiencing increased recreation. We are conducting wildlife surveys, communicating with partners, and compiling available information into a single product to guide future management.
Genetic Taxonomic Assessment of Priority At-Risk Small Mammals in British Columbia
This project was a scoping exercise we conducted for the Canadian province of British Columbia. We determined actions and costs needed to assess the sub-specific taxonomy of four purported sub-species which occur in the province. Also included were costs and actions necessary to delineate the range of Humboldt’s flying squirrel (Glaucomys oregonensis) in British Columbia.